3 random things in my backpack for the world to know

These are three random things in my backpack as the title says.All the items are a pencil,a binder,and paper.Please enjoy.The first item,of course is a pencil it is usually a yellow,seven point five inch long wooden stick used for writing,drawing,or whatever else you might use it for.All in all it is a very helpful creation of mankind,this is why it takes the number 1 spot.The second item is my binder it is a blue,twelve inch plastic binder that has other materials i am too lazy to look up.But other than that it is a helpful book like binder with rings and sleeves to hold and keep your papers safe.The third item is paper a piece of dead tree skin humans use to write on for example notes drawings or writing,and hey did you notice these all go together?Well they do so thank for reading this article about the amazing world of my backpack,well….part of it any way.

Conflicting Emotions…

When my family had moved to Texas we had brought our puppy from California its name was Cali our dog meant the world to us.We had had Cali for about a year and we had very fond memories of her.Later on after we’ve had her for a while my mom told me,my little brother,and sisters that our Cali had been run over.At this time I was very angry at the unknown person and I had been mourning Cali for days.This is very normal as I think of myself a “cry baby” because when I am sad I am mad and vice versa.But any ways I got over and prayed.